“Whites Don’t Shoot Whites”

In the past week, three extreme acts of terroristic violence have taken place across the country. The beginning of this series takes us to a Kroger in Louisville, Kentucky on October 24. White supremacist, George Alan Bush, unsuccessfully attempted to enter First Baptist Church, a predominantly black church, before heading over to this local Kroger. When Bush arrived he walked in and shot Maurice Stallard in the head while he was shopping with his grandson. The terrorist then walked into the parking lot and shot Vicki Lee Jones as well. Both of these victims were black, doing nothing but a normal grocery run. While Bush was in the parking lot, after attacking Ms. Jones, he encountered another armed white man, this one not a terrorist, and said to him, “Don’t shoot me. I won’t shoot you. Whites don’t shoot whites.”

Despite how false this statement is, this only reinforces the fact that this was a hate crime committed by a white supremacist in a series of other hate crimes this week. Bombs were mailed to Democratic supports (aka anti-Trump supporters) by a, surprise surprise, Trump supporter. Then an anti-Semitic man shoots and kills 11 Jewish people in a synagogue while yelling that all Jews must die. These shows of extreme, white supremacist terrorism within the country shows how unwilling the media is to portray white people as terrorists, as easily as I just did, even though these are violent acts of crime against the country, and how much race plays into this upcoming election. Trump and his administration have made many efforts to keep marginalized people oppressed, and these acts are only encouraging and enforcing this behavior. Just as the Bush said, “Whites don’t shoot whites”, so that leaves the people of color in this country at the hands of violence by the very people who call them too violent and terrorists.


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